Saturday, November 21, 2009

Help with citing your paper

There are lots of resources on the web for citing your sources within a research paper. There are many styles and formats for citing papers depending on the discipline. Science has a different format from Language Arts and Humanities as do the Social Sciences. When citing your sources you may either use the CBE (scientific) approach to citing information or the MLA format. I have provided both examples here. The most important thing is that you give credit for ideas where credit is due.

A short and sweet version from the
University of Wisconsin

Purdue OWL resource
This is a very helpful resource for learning how to cite papers with clear examples. You can scroll down and click on the links for the information you need to cite. Below are the links you will most likely need.

Citing Websites This shows how to cite websites. I am requiring the entire URL address.
Giving Credit within your paper
Formatting Quotations
Citing Books

Duke University Resource

Here is one for footnotes if you chose to use them.